FFA 231 W1/2 (Mechanics of Motion) : Coil and Rope / Acting Out

Subject     : FFA231 (Mechanics of Motion)
Semester  :  FF115 III B
Exercise    : W1/2 (Coil and Rope / Acting Out)


Coil and Rope, the first assessment for class FFA231, Mechanics of Motion. Under the supervision of the subject's lecturer, En.Ezwan Mohd. Mokhtar, the exercise made use using our mind and imagination to solve the problem. The problem, which sounds simple when being explained, turns out harder than we thought.

Using our imagination, we had to imagine ourselves in this situation where we were stuck on the small peak, on top of a tower or a mountain. In a group, we have to coil ourselves in a form of circle, or rope if you want to call it, strong enough so that we will not fall down from where we stand.

Although we know that it's a game, some of us took this game so seriously that made ourselves think that we're really on one's last legs. After that, we've then been instructed to reform the circle, using our names, alphabetically. From the ones that have been named with the earliest of alphabetical order to the last one, with the struggle of ourselves going to our designated places, supporting each other and trying to not breaking the coil, we then finally completed the task.

The assessment really showed us how important teamwork is, while makes us using our critical thinking skills and involves our physical interaction to solve the problems given in this "imagination" situation.

A word to describe the assessment? 


After that, a second assessment is given to us which is Acting Out. We were asked to go out for a walk around the campus and search, pick up anything, a random stuff that we can find and then bring it up to the class (and of course, it's UITM properties). We then have been asked to make dialogue-less skit using that very stuff as the props. 

Working as a pair, we then have to come out with a story for us to be acted out using the props we had. 

The things that me and my partner picked as our props.

Me (Kus) : A warning board and a floor wiper.

My partner (Aiman) : A water dipper.

For us as animation students, which synonym with active imaginations and cartoon-ish thinkings to act is really a unique way for us to show those characteristics. At first, me and my pair thought of doing a story about a janitor (me) clashing with his former nemesis, the guy who can scoop water from thin air using his water dipper (my partner). It is totally a random idea and at first, it went well with our beginning ideas, but things slowly change and we had to do things spontaneously. This teaches us to support each other when one of us tries to bring the story in a random point, the other one has to give support and go with the flow. Thus, as the video shows, leads the story's plot in a little nonsense story but still quite an interesting thing to watch and for us of course, to do.

PS: No props were harmed or damaged in making of this skit. All props which were the properties of UiTM are returned to its original position after being used.


Assignment Done. (Blog Update)
- Saturday, 30 September 2017.


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